DIGIS3 holds its kick-off meeting to set the work plan for the coming months

The partners of the DIGIS3 consortium met on February 21 in Salamanca to hold the kick-off meeting of the project, which serves as a prelude to the official presentation event, which will take place on 13 March.

The meeting was attended by representatives of all DIGIS3 partners: the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE), AIR Institute, DIHBU, DIH-LEAF, the Castile and Leon Supercomputing Center Foundation (SCAYLE) and the University of León. Each of them presented their work package to establish how to proceed over the next six months, with the overall goal in mind: to ensure the smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation of SMEs and government entities in the region.

Thanks to the contributions of each of the members, a roadmap for progress in the coming months has been established, clarifying the roles of each partner through the four basic pillars on which the actions of the consortium, configured as a European Digital Innovation Hub, are based: sustainability and demographic challenge, talent, communication and cooperation.

Boosting digital transformation through European Digital Innovation Hubs

A European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) is a group of entities that allows companies and public administration within a given area to access the information, services and facilities they need to address their digital transformation processes.

European Digital Innovation Hubs are one of the main tools of the European Commission to achieve the objectives set in the Digitalization Strategy.

The overall objective of DIGIS3 is to ensure a smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation of SMEs and structural units of the state administration in the region; with a territorial scope in urban and rural areas focused on cohesion, giving comprehensive support to users that facilitates their access to specialized technical knowledge and an experimentation environment, in a one-stop shop with a central core of knowledge and training structured around artificial intelligence and supercomputing, cybersecurity is considered a necessary layer in any digitization process. This incorporation will be done using appropriate digitization paths, according to the digital maturity level of the users and also taking into account the specific needs of the industry and the geographical environment.

DIGIS3 is specialized in:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • High Performance Computing (HPC)
  • Industry 4.0
  • Demographic Challenge
  • Smart Renewables
  • Smart Agriculture
  • Circular Economy
  • Smart Cities and Territories
  • E-Government and Data Spaces

DIGIS3 has a wide range of infrastructures that it makes available to companies and the Public Administration to develop the services provided by the project, such as training, testing and experimentation and advice on digitization, to facilitate access to specialized know-how and experimentation environments.

What services will DIGIS3 provide to SMEs in Castille and Leon?

DIGIS3 will be able to provide SMEs with different services related to digitization:

  • Dissemination and awareness services: basic and specialized seminars, focused on facilitating the knowledge and use of technology. The objective is to increase the competitiveness of companies by increasing their knowledge of disruptive digitization technologies and optimizing processes to improve products or services or increase management efficiency. 
  • Testing and experimentation: This service provides digitization mentoring services, diagnostics, practical application of know-how, visits to digital demonstrators, proof of concept, prototyping and feasibility studies. 
  • Technical advice in the search for funding to implement the technology: from the analysis of funding opportunities at European, national, or regional level, to support in the search for private investors.
  • Support for access to innovation networks and ecosystems: advisory and consulting services oriented to startups and entrepreneurs that can be included from incubation services to mentoring services at business level, depending on the level of digital maturity of the company to facilitate the transfer of experience and knowledge.

For more information on the offered services, contact DIGIS3 by clicking here.


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