Our partner SCAYLE plans to allocate 800,000 euros to promote, through the tendering of four contracts, the development of innovative solutions based on quantum computing that help to increase the cybersecurity of institutions and companies.
With these tenders, part of the Strategic Initiative for Innovative Public Procurement (IECPI), within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, with funding from the Next Generation-EU European Funds, the Castilla y León Supercomputing Foundation (SCAYLE) aims to promote the projects called ‘CINDERELLA’ and ‘HOT’, which are currently being developed within a process of innovative public procurement of INCIBE - the National Cybersecurity Institute (an entity under the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Function, through the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence, consolidated as a reference entity for the development of cybersecurity and digital trust among citizens and companies. It is also a driver of social transformation and provides opportunities for innovation, fostering R&D&I and talent).
The objective pursued by both institutions is to drive innovation and competitiveness to generate innovative solutions and thusboost R&D&I in cybersecurity.
In the first case, the CINDERELLA project aims to create a distribution centre for quantum keys via optical fibre and to develop a cryptographic system in the cloud that is resistant to attacks with quantum computers, enabling companies that choose to use this service to have secure mechanisms for transferring confidential data. This project, which is currently in the development phase, has an execution period of 34 months and is expected to be completed by May 2026.
In the second project, called HOT, seeks to establish an automatic system that preserves anonymity in the modification or deletion of existing data in the main cloud service providers (Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud) through the deployment, on demand, of networks of simulated environments, known as ‘decoys’. The project timeline, which is already underway, also foresees completion in May 2026.
Castilla y León Supercomputing Foundation (SCAYLE). Font: Junta de Castilla y León